Saturday, October 25, 2008


The word atonement is a huge part of the novel for more than one character. The most obvious is Briony, as it appears that writing the novel about Robbie and Cecilia's story is her way of atoning for testifying that she had seen Robbie raping Lola, essentially sending Robbie to jail. Though Robbie's death likely would not have changed regardless since he would have probably gone to war anyways, she did almost singlehandedly send him to jail (though Lola had a lot to do with it as well). For this reason, I feel like nothing could ever atone for Briony's actions, especially an explanatory story.

In the beginning of the book, it seems as though Robbie is trying to Atone for being the son of the Tallis family's maid. He has graduated college and plans on becoming a doctor, obviously a far more prestigious and respectable position than that of his mother. Unfortunately, he never gets his atonement due to the actions of Briony.

Cecilia may be trying to atone for being from the Tallis family by ceasing all communication with them after what has happened to Robbie. She never really gets her atonement before she dies either.

The running motif in this book seems to be failed atonement rather than atonement. Perhaps that should have been the title instead...

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