Sunday, October 12, 2008

Favorite Character

My favorite character so far is Sula. While she is very disliked by her whole community, I like very much the idea that she didnt care what anyone thought of her. That is not as if to say that I am at all like her or even want to be: she dies at an early age with no love in her life. I just have a tremendous amount of respect for her ability to live such a long period of time with such a terrible reputation.

I also really admire her uniqueness. I especially like the part of the book where she cuts off the end of her finger to scare away the bullies. It is unbelievable to me that she has the ability to inflict such intense physical pain to herself to avoid something that, granted, is probably much worse. It really takes the reader back to that time period when we see the extent to which people would go to get themselves or their friends and families out of trouble (we also see this when Eva allows her leg to get cut off by the train).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like her too.